VCN Coworking community staying safe amidst COVID19

As all the working enthusiasts are preparing to come back to work in their respective corporate office/ coworking space by leaving the comfort zone of their homes. Nothing has been more exciting for us than to welcome our coworking family back to our workspace.

We know that stepping out of your home & commuting daily to the workspace can be a bit risky especially when Corona virus is still lurking in India, especially Pune city, which ranks amongst top in covid positive cases. Considering all these factors we have devised a plan that comprises of all the prudent measures that we will be applying to our workspace to ensure your safety. 

It’s our assurance that you and your workforce will be safe and protected in our coworking premises. However, we can do nothing without your help. The only way to defeat COVID19 is if we all take an initiative of adhering to strict policies implied by the WHO. 

We’re sure by following all these safety drills we can all get back to our normal office routine. 


  • Temperature screening at the entrance

We have prepared and equipped all our workforce management team to identify any potential threats or symptoms of COVID19. They are trained specifically to initiate a proper temperature screening of all the coworkers at the entrance gate and also to keep a complete record of all the heat data for health monitoring purposes. Individuals who are found to have a body temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or above are not allowed to enter the coworking premises and immediately sent home or are advised to consult a nearby doctor.


  • Regular sanitisation & disinfection of the workspace

When it comes to sanitisation and disinfection of the entire workspace, we ensure that not even a single spot is left neglected. Our support staff pays special attention to sensitive areas of frequent touchpoints such as doorknobs, elevator buttons, hand railings, lobby area, pantry, cafeterias etc. These areas are disinfected periodically every few hours to avoid any possible threats and also to ensure complete safety of all our coworkers.


  • Awareness campaigns 

At VCN Coworking space we frequently organise awareness campaigns to educate and train our coworking members and staff to strictly adhere to the safety norms. The main driving purpose of these campaigns is to promote healthy social practices such as the use of a handkerchief or tissue while coughing and sneezing, social distancing, avoid regular touching of eyes, mouth, nose etc.


  • Provision of extra benefits

We provide out of the box special amenities to all our young coworkers and working enthusiasts to make sure they are all safe and content. All our coworking spaces are well equipped with extra hand sanitizing faucets, surgical masks and tissues for external use. We also distribute free healthy snacks and vitamin beverages to maintain a healthy and positive atmosphere in our coworking ecosystem. 

In case any untoward or complicated situations occur in our spaces, we are fully able and ready to take necessary steps.  

Our VCN team is specially assigned to monitor and undertake all the necessary prudent steps to avoid any potential threat. To know more you can mail us on

Stay Safe & Stay Healthy.

Happy Coworking !!

Post COVID19 precautions – Are you going back to work?

After being stuck at home for more than 3-4 months, going back to the office isn’t much of a burden for most of the professionals in India. Particularly with coronavirus pandemic still lurking in the bustling streets of almost all the major cities, it becomes challenging to ensure personal safety in public areas due to the unprecedented nature of the virus.

 Leaving the safe premises of your home and going back to work is a tough choice but when you get a call from your office/boss, whether you work at a standard office or a coworking space, you don’t have much of a choice but to go, no matter what the circumstances. Most affected cities in India are Mumbai, Pune and Thane, ranking in top three.

 However, there isn’t much to worry nowadays cause the government has already implied strict rules in all the workplaces to ensure employees safety. Also, most of the companies are putting in a lot of efforts to ensure a safe & secure work environment, even coworking spaces are becoming covid compliant but there is still a some contribution that you have to make to keep you and your family safe and that is to follow these essential hygiene drills:  

a) Prepare yourself

Now that the lockdown is finally being lifted it has certainly brought relief to a lot of business owners, startups and employees. After killing a lot of time at home for months, nothing can be as liberating as going back to work and following a normal routine. But as the COVID19 is still near the horizon it’s crucial to prepare yourself before you step out of your home. Make sure that you have installed arogya setu app on your device as it will alert you of any potential threats around you or in a particular area.

Likewise, keep yourself up to date with all the latest news surrounding your city so that you are always aware of where new cases are emerging and which area is not safe for daily commuting. Also, exercise regularly and try doing basic yoga/ meditation to stay fit, it’s very essential to prepare yourself mentally and physically every day to avoid strain and boost immunity. 

b) Create a plan

Different industries have a different work environment, if you are working in a coworking space your work environment will have more flexibility as compared to a regular office. Also practising social distancing will be much easier in some workplaces whereas in others it might be difficult. Hence based on your respective work profile & coworking structure you have to create a plan on where & how you will stay safe in your workplace.

 Also, make sure that you are travelling with precautions to your office, try to avoid overcrowded areas & its always better to use your own vehicle for daily commuting instead of any public transportation. Try to avoid it as much as possible but if you don’t have any other choice then use it with utmost care by practising strict social distancing  safety norms.

c) Don’t forget to carry your protection gears

Make safety gears your best friends and carry them wherever you go. Always keep an extra set of face masks in case you drop it by mistake or misplace it in a public area. Hand gloves, sanitizers and handkerchief will be the new mandatory addition in your backpack. Avoid using office cutleries & mugs, better carry your own in case you need them to ensure safety.

Take the stairs and evade the lift ! Stepping a few floors might wear you out but it will definitely give your legs & lungs a nice workout. Also, make sure you carry fresh fruits, juices or protein shakes to your workplace/ co-working space, as it will help to build your immunity which is extremely important to fight COVID19.

 d) Implement safe work practices at the office

It’s time to go old school by using namaste instead of shaking hands with your clients or office mates. Don’t remove your mask as soon as you enter office, it maybe irritating but still, you never know what might happen especially in an uncertain world of pandemic as almost every other individual is a suspect. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap frequently, especially after touching any surface area. Avoid touching your face, mouth and eyes as they are the entrance ramp for viruses to enter your body.

 Switch to working in cubicles or with safe distance in your office & avoid overcrowded areas. Especially during lunch or tea break try to alter your break timing by analysing when most coworkers in your office take a break. Based on it choose a timing when the pantry is least crowded.  

e) After work safety measures

Try to finish your work as soon as possible and depart from your office on time. Avoiding late-night traffic and crowded areas should be your top priority. Once you return home from your office/ coworking space, it’s best to take a shower and dispose of your clothes, mask, & handkerchief in a laundry basket.  Last but not least is to eat proper food and take good rest, as they are the best immune boosters and keep your body energized and ready for the next day. 

Just remember, if you are having even the slightest feeling that you are sick or not feeling well, then stay home and consult a nearby physician immediately.

 “The simple act of caring for self in this epidemic is heroic.” 

How to work from home effectively during Coronavirus Epidemic?

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought the whole world to a standstill. The highly contagious nature & a critical incubation period of the virus has forced schools, colleges, malls, offices, coworking spaces & businesses to shut their doors. Many companies are implementing mandatory work from home policy to avoid a possible community spread of this virus.
This new work from home lifestyle has challenged employees to work as effectively as they use to work in an office. Some offices and coworking spaces are working with only 10 to 30 % capacity. In this situation, some of them are doing relatively well because of their past work from home history whereas others are not able to cope up with this new work style. Especially during all this hustle & bustle all around the world, it becomes difficult to stay motivated at all times in your home. While all this can be puzzling, affirming a strategy that works can help you make it through. Below we have compiled a list of useful ways through which you can work from home effectively.
Let’s get started!!

Choose a work area

Develop a dedicated work area in your home that will facilitate your mind to work, even if its a corner it will be great just make sure that its a place were you will be disturbed the least. Grab a chair & arrange a normal desk/table in that space to create an office-like feel as you often see in coworking spaces, how the ambience of comfort is created.
To make work-life better prefer thriving on a comfortable chair as it will help you stay on board for 7 to 8 hours easily. Whereas operating on a couch/bed will make you feel lazy & sleepy so try to avoid it as much as possible.

Plan your day before you start your work

Early in the morning as soon as you get up, grab a cup of coffee, take a note pad & jot down the list of tasks that you are going to perform for that day. Make a systematic time table so that you know when you’re supposed to end & start the  next assignment. Last but not least maintain good verbal communication with your coworkers & team
leaders so that you are always motivated & are up to date with all the latest news surrounding your company.

Follow your office work hours

Follow your day to day office work hours to ensure better working habits from home. Imagine that you are going to your office as usual & create a morning routine just like your workday.
Freshen up, grab a coffee and start your work. Similarly, at the end of the day finish your remaining tasks, send your daily status report, & pack your bag. By doing so you will be able to maintain a balance in your work life as well as your personal life.

Deal with distractions

Working in an office has a lot of perks as it helps you to be productive, creative & it also shields your mind from a lot of distractions. Whereas when you’re working from a new environment especially the one you’re very familiar with (Home) can be a big hindrance in your work life.
Take note of those things that distract you the most while working & spend some quality time to find measures through which you can mitigate those distractions.

Don’t forget to socialize

Ever since the arrival of coronavirus, it has brought a complete change in the way we use to socialize in our community. Earlier we had no restrictions in offices and coworking spaces, the concept of social distancing was a mere phenomenon but now it has become a necessity & going out of our house without any reason may bring us in deep trouble. Because of all these things, people are not socializing any more & they are isolating themselves in their room which is indirectly affecting their productivity.
One of the best ways to combat this is to go digital & socialize with your colleagues or coworkers on social media. Similarly, you can break the ice by discussing important office tasks with your teammates online & you can also conduct meetings with your clients on video conferencing apps such as zoom, skype, Google meet & etc.

Cheer up each other’s spirits

These are stressful times & watching the horrors of coronavirus pandemic on the news has certainly put a lot of people in a state of grief. It’s good to stay informed about all the latest headlines but thinking too much about it can actually affect your mental health.
That’s the reason why it’s so important to cheer up each others spirit with comforting & positive words. It will not only motivate you but will also make your bonds stronger with your teammates.

Take care of your physical & mental health

Going fully remote can actually restrict a lot of physical day to day activities such as commuting & walking to your office. Sitting in one place for about 8 to 10 hours may make you extremely lazy & you may even gain some unnecessary weight. So to avoid it take regular walks in your house, do some cardio & yoga as it will help you to feel fresh & will also prepare your spirit to drive in quality results for the next day.
Wrapping up:
We hope this article will help you to plan your work from home strategy and make you productive. Follow all the above tips & tricks to drive quality results in your work from home adventure.
VCN Coworking Space wishes you a good health..  Stay home & Stay safe.
Thank you !!

What makes coworking space successful.

Coworking space is a place that gives you a product same as a traditional office but its not a conventional office. The way coworking space functions are quite different from work from home or traditional offices. A favorable environment where you can work with entrepreneurs, freelancers from different sectors and industries or in simple words a space designed in such a way that several workers from different companies share an office space, using types of equipment, utilities and other services provided there.

Coworking space is a disruptive business model growing rapidly all around the world due to amazing positive effects. Coworking space helps you grow your work or business quickly. Coworking space is the most fantastic model for people with their business startups, as these startups require lots of investments for office, types of equipment and services which you can rent in a coworking space.

Coworking spaces allow people to work comfortably with no office politics, pressure, and it helps to create a social bond with other people which you cannot make while working from home. A happy and motivated environment is all that you need to build a successful and effective business. Coworking space saves startup costs of entrepreneurs by providing desired services, types of equipment and comfortable space. Working in such a positive environment increases productivity. It has been reported by people who work in coworking space that their productivity increased rapidly after working in relaxed coworking spaces.

successful co working space
co working space

If you wish that your coworking space should help people beyond their expectations, you can implement a few things:


If you want to make your area organized in such a way that people wish to visit again. Work is tiring and if you are ready to work for people not doing their work tiring through some weekly comedy shows or by providing Something to eat according to everyone’s choices. You can also design your office in a nature-friendly environment not by just placing some flower pots, Something that improves mood. You can also provide your clients with aroma therapies if they don’t like then some other substitute like a head massage for them! If you believe that workplace should be a happy place, then you have to work on this little things because people ignore all these things into their hectic life and if you give them some pampering they deserve to have then they will rush to you! Always follow your marketing promises! Colour your space with colour schemes that reduce stress and makes one feels excited. Make your space enthusiastic!


Serving a niche is very important to have clarity! Everyone from small or large company employees to self-employed engineers, marketers, designers, artists is switching to coworking space. If you provide a particular niche like the arts industry or small pharma or e-commerce, then you have to deliver equipment and set up depending upon the requirements of the industry. You may need to provide a good internet connection with desktops or a small laboratory or a photo studio! If you serve a niche in the market, it becomes very clear to your clients, and you can grab a group of people from that sector as its challenging to get a space with all what they need! You can also make your space multi-functional if you wish that everyone and anyone should work there, but still going for a particular niche makes your business operates more effectively!


Along with affordable business setup people wish for motivating and happy environment, so they adapt to coworking spaces. Everyone is looking for Something unique rather than those boring desks and work pressure and so designing your space with some appropriate theme which can attract and relax your clients this can be the best idea! It is very important for a space to be full of enthusiasm and positivity. If you are choosing to design your space with nature theme, then don’t just add a few flower pots create a relaxing green lawn along with some fountain where your client can have meetings! Or give a traditional look to the office or some modern aesthetic look with modern furniture and design!

Find Partners:

Your clients can need services like courier, Accountants, cabs and many more you can keep good contacts of these services so they don’t need to search and they can get everything under one roof. You can provide them with healthcare, child care and other counselling to every your clients that you are constantly working to support your community.


Why Small Businesses Flourish In Coworking Spaces..

What is a co-working space?

Coworking space is a place where arrangements are made in such a way that several workers from different companies or freelancers share office space. Shared office Space allowing cost savings, convenience through the use of common infrastructure along with the amenities, equipment, utilities, custodial services, etc.

Why Coworking space?

Using a coworking space, Freelancers or startup business owners report being highly motivated and active. Studies conclude that using coworking space improves lot of productivity as compared to work from homes or traditional offices. Coworking area is a disruptive model that can make you progress fast and successfully. This is why coworking business models are multiplying all around the world.

co working space for small businesses
co working space

Affordable Startup:

If you have some new business idea and going to have a startup on your own than you might be planning things to be in your budget. You may not be able to afford a big office, internet connections, types of equipment. Coworking office space is an excellent alternative for all your worries, in very low rental fees you can get all those high tech types of equipment along with services like reception. Depending upon your need, you can rent a space for the duration you need it.

Make Professional connections:

Working along with people with different sectors, help you with lots of new ideas and excellent networking experience. You can share and ask for professional help if you need to. You get to learn new things from new people. It can make you aware of any sectors pros and cons. And you never know, the person sitting behind you can also be a great entrepreneur in future!

Professional meeting space:

If you need a place to have a meeting with your clients, then coworking spaces help you with it. For example, you are a designer, and you work on sites, but you need to meet a client to know their expectations than having a meeting in the coffee shop can represent you very unprofessional and can cost you the contract. Coworking space allows you to conduct your meeting in the privacy of the meeting room, and you look professional.


If you are a freelancer, then you know how it feels to work from home! You spend your day alone and hours without even Speaking to a single person. This can affect your health very badly and can be very isolating, demoralizing. In co working space, you can work happily socializing with others that can reduce lots of work stress. You can make new friends and enjoy your work!

No Pressure:

The environment you get to work in coworking space helps you take your work lightly! There can be lots of pressure in your work, but working in a pleasant environment will improve lots for productivity in your work.

No Office Politics:

We all know about office politics. Employees in traditional offices complaints about dirty office politics and; this is even a reason for most of the people resigning from their jobs. Internal disputes like unfair behavior, favoritism affects every sector of work. This takes lots of time and energy and creates a sense of negativity in the office. There is no office politics in coworking spaces everyone works independently, and there are no such conflicts and negativity.

Happy And Motivating Work Environment:

The most important positive side of coworking space is a comfortable and motivating work environment, unlike work from home and traditional offices. There is no office politics! You can work along with many highly positive, motivated and hard-working people this can help you reach your goals. Coworking spaces help you achieve more with working independently an in desired environment.

The Talent Hub:

Imagine you need a digital marketing expert for your business, and you can get them just by sitting! In coworking space many people from different business and work backgrounds work together so you can easily connect with them, and your work will speed up! You don’t need to do lots of research and interview people to hire someone you can get in touch with someone in the same coworker’s space, and you don’t need to worry about their work as you interact with them everyday!